Phantom Playing Cards - Briannie Matos
Phantom playing cards are based on the four elements and their corresponding zodiac signs. The objective was to create a themed deck of cards and emphasize branding. In this deck, each face card corresponds to one of the 3 zodiac signs for that element as you can see below. The illustrations are meant to represent the sign in this spiritual way. So whether that is an animal or a fictional creature. All of the number cards have the corresponding number of suits matching the element along with the 3 symbols of the zodiac signs.
Our logo
The name Phantom came from its meaning which is along the lines of supernatural or apparition. Since the theme was zodiac signs and each character is spiritual and fantasized, Phantom fit as a great name.
Packaging/Back of Cards
For design, I stuck with the traditional zodiac ring. All three signs that correspond to an element were placed in that corner. For example, where the fire is showcased, you'd find the symbol of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius in that same corner of the ring.
Face Cards
I wanted Phantom playing cards to have a different feel to them than just the average playing cards. I also wanted to focus on illustration. The idea of creating spiritual characters really tied into the idea of steering away from the average king, queen, and jack face cards.
Final Product
Overall the idea of Phantom was successful. A few minor changes can be made but the theme I wanted to emphasize, worked out nicely.